Electronic signatures: use of by governmental units [Admin.Code Adm 13] - CR 09–069
day careDay care
Child care providers: incentive programs for local agencies that identify child care subsidy fraud [Admin.Code DCF 201.03] - CR 14–030
Child care subsidy payments: circumstances to allow for a waiver for a parent who is a child care provider; and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code DCF 201.04] - CR 12–048
Child care vehicle safety alarm [Admin.Code DCF 202.04, 202.08, 202.09, 250.08, 250.12, 251.08, 251.12, 252.06, 252.09] - CR 14–028
2012 Individual Annuity Reserving Mortality table and affecting small business [Admin.Code Ins 2.30] - CR 14–076
deerDeer, see Animal; Hunting
delinquent taxesDelinquent taxes, see Taxation
dental laboratoryDental laboratory, see Dentistry
Dentistry: lab work authorization [Admin.Code DE 9.01, 9.015, 9.02] - CR 13–060
Dentistry: sedation permits and classes of permits [Admin.Code DE 11.02, 11.05, 11.06, 11.07] - CR 13–061
Dentistry: training of unlicensed persons [Admin.Code DE 12.01, 12.02, 120.03] - CR 13–074
Patient dental records [Admin.Code DE 8] - CR 14–011
dependent childrenDependent children, see Family -- Support
designerDesigner, see Architect
Firearms and other dangerous weapons for private security personnel, private detectives, and private investigators or special investigators [Admin.Code SPS 34.002, 34.01, 34.011, 34.015, 34.02, 34.03, 34.04, 34.05, 34.06, 34.07, 34.08, 34.10] - CR 14–014
Firearms instructors training for private security personnel, private detectives, and private investigators or special investigators; and affecting small business [Admin.Code SPS 34.04] - CR 13–047
dhsDHS, see Health Services, Department of -- specific subheading
digital signatureDigital signature, see Data processing
direct marketingDirect marketing, see Trade practice
diseaseDisease, see also Animal -- Disease
Fee for screening newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders and other services [Admin.Code DHS 115.05] - CR 12–025
Screening newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders [Admin.Code DHS 115.01, 115.02, 115.04, 115.05] - CR 14–074
dnrDNR, see Natural Resources, Department of -- specific subheading
do not call listDo not call list, see Telephone
doaDOA, see Administration, Department of -- specific subheading
Hunting, trapping, closed area, dog training, and the use of department land [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.08, 10.09, 10.101, 10.13, 10.145, 10.15, 10.24, 11.011, 17.04, 17.08, 45.04, 45.09, 45.12] - CR 13–021
Wolf hunting and trapping season, regulations, a depradation program, training hunting dogs, and coyote hunting [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.02, 10.06, 10.07, 10.09, 10.13, 10.145, 10.16, 10.295, 12.10, 12.15, 12.60, 12.63, 12.64, 12.65, 17.04, 19.25] - CR 12–049
dotDOT, see Transportation, Department of -- specific subheading
drillingDrilling, see Wells
drinking waterDrinking water, see Water supply
drivers_ educationDrivers' education
Driver education programs [Admin.Code PI 21.01, 21.04, 21.05] - CR 13–083
Definitions of ``patient" and ``prescription legend animal drugs" [Admin.Code VE 1.02] - CR 12–051
Drug residues in animals for human food and affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 55.07] - CR 14–024
Electronic prescriptions [Admin.Code Phar 7.08, 8.05, 8.07, 8.09] - CR 13–075
Juvenile correctional or detention facility: return or exchange of health items [Admin.Code Phar 7.04] - CR 13–076
Pharmacy: delivery of prescription drugs [Admin.Code Phar 7.01] - CR 13–018
Prescription drug monitoring program [Admin.Code Phar 18.02, 18.04, 18.05, 18.06, 18.07, 18.08, 18.09, 18.10, 18.11, 18.12, 18.14] - CR 14–003
Prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) and the exclusion of veterinarians from reporting [Admin.Code Phar 18.02, 18.03, 18.04, 18.06] - CR 13–065
Training requirements for individuals administering nonprescription and prescription drug products to pupils [Admin.Code PI 46] - CR 10–141
dwelling or dwelling codeDwelling or dwelling code, see Housing
eggsEggs, see Poultry
Observers at a polling place or other location where votes are being cast, counted, canvassed, or recounted [Admin.Code GAB 4] - CR 10–130
elections _ campaign expenseElections -- Campaign expense
Campaign finance, ethics, and lobbying violation settlements [Admin.Code GAB 22] - CR 09–035
Campaign finance reports: filing in electronic format [Admin.Code GAB 6.05] - CR 09–040
electric utilityElectric utility, see also Public utility
Adoption of the 2012 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code into Volume 1 of the State Electrical Code [Admin.Code PSC 114] - CR 13–039
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN): electronic delivery of applications [Admin.Code PSC 111.51] - CR 13–101
Certificate or approval prior to beginning a proposed utility project; displacement facility requirements and the displacement percentage that apply in renewable energy situations [Admin.Code PSC 112.05, 118.02, 118.03, 118.04, 118.09, 133.03, 184.03] - CR 14–053
Coal–fired electric generating units: control of mercury emissions [Admin.Code NR 446.12, 446.13, 446.14, 446.17, 446.185] - CR 13–089
Renewable resource credits [Admin.Code PSC 118.01, 118.02, 118.03, 118.04, 118.055, 118.06, 118.08, 118.09] - CR 13–040
Electricians: registration of those who are exempt from passing an examination and from acquiring continuing education credits [Admin.Code SPS Table 305.02, Table 305.06, 305.40, 305.437] - CR 14–049